Legal notice
Das Alte Zinshaus
Owner: Mag. Brigitte Ebner
Adress: Seckauerstraße 16, A-8720 Knittelfeld
Phone: 0043 (0) 664 / 780 5 496
UID-Number: ATU68863312
Media owner: Mag. Brigitte Ebner
Office: Seckauerstraße 16, A-8720 Knittelfeld
Photos: Ebner, Opitz
Legal note:
The media owner is not responsibly for contents of foreign websites. Pictures, information and information on the Internet sites show no silent assent of the guarantee of every kind. Changes or improvements are possible any time. In spite of careful content control we assume no liability for the contents of external links. For the contents of the verlinkten sides are responsible excluding their operators.
Google Analytcs:
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of the Google Inc ("Google") Google Analytics uses so-called„ Cookies“, text files which are stored on your computer and which allows an analysis of the use of the website by you. The information generated by the Cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is transferred to a server by Google in the USA and is stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website to put together of report about the website activities for the website operators and to render linked services next with the website use and the Internet use. Also Google will transfer this information if necessary into three parts, provided that this legally prescribed or as far as third process these data on behalf of Google. Google will associate your IP address with other data of the Google in no case. They can prevent the installation of the Cookies by a suitable setting of your browsers software; we point out you, nevertheless, to the fact that you cannot use all functions of this website in this case if necessary fully extensively. By the use of this website you agree with the treatment of the data upraised about you by Google in the before described way and for the before named purpose.